Fourth Week of Advent, Wednesday: Spiritual Friendship

In the Heart of Winter: A Meditator’s Guide to Advent

When the angel Gabriel announces to Mary the miraculous birth that will come through her, he tells her that her cousin Elizabeth will also experience a miraculous birth. He informs her that her cousin, who is older and was considered infertile, is now in her sixth month of pregnancy. There is hardly a pause in the story between the lines “and the angel departed from her” and “Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste…and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth.” Something is happening in their inner lives that draws them together immediately and powerfully. It is possible to feel the excitement, energy, inspiration or curiosity that has Mary move so quickly to visit Elizabeth. She is not disappointed with what she finds. Divine grace permeates their meeting and further expands their joy. 

When Mary enters the house and Elizabeth hears her greeting, the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leaps. Spiritually quickened by this encounter, Elizabeth speaks out to affirm Mary’s transformation and the blessed nature of the child within her. In this context of affirmation, Mary is inspired to offer praises to God and a vision for an awakened world.

One of the themes of this part of the story is the significance of spiritual friendship. Through their meeting, both women are inspired, affirmed, and encouraged to trust their deepest inner experience. In the atmosphere of spiritual recognition, they share their visions. In the light of spiritual friendship, God’s omnipresence is revealed between us as well as within us. When we experience divine grace permeating our relationships, our faith can be strengthened, as it was for Mary and for Elizabeth.

Practice: Appreciate and encourage divine grace in your spiritual friendships by focusing on conversation that is uplifting, and supportive of living a God-centered life. Be committed to lifting one another up through positive conversation, examples of virtuous conduct, and gratitude for the grace that you experience. 

Friendship gently reminds us of our one true Companion, God.

   -Paramahansa Yogananda

Reflect on how spiritual friendships have been an important part of your spiritual journey of awakening. How have you been encouraged by others to deepen your faith? How have you been a source of encouragement to others?

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