As we turn our attention to a new way of living with spiritual awareness as our priority, we can begin to notice an influx of divine support flowing our way. One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to take note of all of the support, resources and helpful “coincidental” occurrences that we are experiencing. It’s true that once we make a commitment and change our focus, we start to see things that were there all along but previously not apparent to us. Perhaps you have heard that famous quote attributed to Goethe: the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.
The tendency of the ego is to take an adversarial, competitive stance in life. After all, its very nature is to maintain a sense of separate existence. One of the ways that ego does that is to paint a picture of life as something we must master, or at the very least fight our way through, in order to thrive. The spiritual practice of surrender—surrender of the illusion that we are separate from the Source—is the antidote to that unsustainable way of living. Ego doesn’t completely disappear when we cultivate an attitude of spiritual surrender. Instead, it becomes an ally. No longer needing to be in control, ego can play the role of servant.
One Reality express as all that is. Embarking on the path of yoga is choosing to consciously turn our attention to oneness, remembering that our lives are anchored in God. Cultivate the thought that you are divinely supported in every way. Set in motion an unleashing of divine support simply by becoming receptive to it. Divine support is always there. Today, practice noticing it.
Think About It: Commitment to spiritual practice is good for our health. In a systematic review of research published in the Journal of Family Practice over a 10-year period, the positive relationship between religious commitment and physical health was shown. Eighty-one percent of the relevant studies showed a positive association between religious commitment and health status.
–Archives of Family Medicine
–Archives of Family Medicine
Be Inspired: Today is the auspicious birth anniversary of the great sage Lahiri Mahasaya. He said: God does everything. Life is only a medium. If one lives surrendering everything to God, one will not have any worries.